Coffee Hacks: 5 Ways to Make Your Morning Cup Healthier

We are back on the wagon over here folks… the coffee wagon, that is!

Like many others, I have a love - hate relationship with coffee. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love it. But as a health coach, I know that there are definite drawbacks to the hard stuff (like affects from caffeine, acidity, and the toll it can take on your digestion). For this reason I take breaks from coffee seasonally to keep my habits in check. But right now, we are back in the coffee season, baby!

If you find yourself in the coffee season right now too— you’re in luck! Today I’m sharing 5 simple hacks for making your morning coffee healthier. There is no deprivation motivation here, most of these are just fun ideas of things you can simply add in to your morning cup for a quick health boost.

All you prego mamas looking to watch your caffeine intake— this one’s for you too! All of these suggestions are generally considered safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor or midwife.

#1 Add collagen powder.

Collagen powder is tasteless and blends into coffee seamlessly. It’s a great way to add in extra protein to your morning routine, plus collagen is amazing for joint health, digestive health, skin health, and is super helpful for pregnant mamas with growing bellies, and postpartum mamas whose bodies are in recovery! Look for a grass-fed, pastured and/or organic option. My favorite brand is Vital Proteins, but there are lots of good options these days.

#2 Add mushroom powder.

I know I know, I’m so hip to suggest you try out mushroom coffee. But it’s true! Medicinal mushrooms are known for their vitality and immune-boosting super powers, among other benefits. And powdered mushrooms blend in so well with coffee, with a taste that is complimentary. Look for organic powdered mushrooms like chaga, reishi, or shitake. One popular brand is Four Sigmatic, and while I love their stuff, truth be told there are plenty of less expensive options out there.

#3 Add ashwagandha powder.

Ashwagandha root is a traditional Ayurvedic herb that is well known for being an adaptogen— meaning it helps make the body more resilient to stress (awesome!). It’s also anti-inflammatory, naturally increases energy, and can help prevent neurodegenerative diseases (among other benefits). Ashwagandha has a gentle flavor that also blends into coffee nicely. Since caffeine has the ability to mimic the effects of stress, I love the idea of adding in an herb that can help our bodies to manage stress! Look for the root powdered in the bulk herb section at your local health food store, or at an herb store.

Dandelion root powder and ashwagandha root powder!

Dandelion root powder and ashwagandha root powder!

#4 Try roasted dandelion root, and/or roasted chicory root.

These two roots have a deep, earthy flavor that is quite similar to coffee when roasted! Plus dandelion root is good for digestion. There are a couple ways you can try incorporating these herbs. A) You can simply add a small amount to your regular cup of coffee, B) try cutting your coffee with these herbs (for example use half as much coffee grounds as you normally would and add in the powdered roots to match), or C) go coffee-free and switch to herbs altogether! For a very user friendly option to try this out, look for brands like Dandy Blend or Teccino. Spoiler alert— I also make an herbal coffee substitute that I sell at my local farmers market! Hit me up if you’re interested in some of this “Adaptogenic Koffee.”

#5 Go half caf!

My main qualm with coffee is its caffeine content, so one easy way to lessen this issue is to go half caffeine. Do this at home by blending half decaf grounds into your coffee maker, or order it at a coffeeshop by requesting “half caf!” And yes, they can do this for espresso drinks or drip coffee.

I hope these ideas inspire you to twerk up your morning perk!

Got any other favorite ways to enhance your cup of joe?

Share below!